Acerca de mim

A minha foto
I'm a girl, dedicated, stubborn and very individualistic ... = P Some people like and who do not like! Who does not like penalty and who we like better! I'm simple but complicated. There is one thing I have to say, often the opinions of others does not count, but there are some cases that we also count on it! I consider myself a good person, friend and the other who believes in herself, she likes you!

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Agora sim, posso dizer, aliás podemos ambos dizer que isto é verdade!

Admito... hoje secalhar fui estúpida, mas limitei-me a fazer o que fazes literalmente. Vai-me custar imenso, mas ... nao podemos estar sempre felizes e satisfeitos com a nossa vida!